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Activity boxes, Educational, Outdoor
Eco Kiwi Kids
Eco Kiwi Kids is run by two mamas who noticed their little ones were getting out of touch with nature and getting taken over by screens, rather than being outdoors exploring and making huts like we used to do as kids.
It became their mission to reintroduce their kids back to nature and all the amazing things it has to offer.
Their eco-friendly activity packs do exactly that, with wonderful educational fun and creative activities. Their Native Plant Activity Pack for ages 3-5 and 6+ focuses on educating kids on the wonders of the plants that grow in our own backyards. It has hands-on activities that get kids exploring outside on those beautiful sunny days but also activities for indoors too when the weather isn’t so great.
All paper is made from recycled materials and their pack contents are sourced with eco-friendliness in mind.
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