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Tussock Ridge Merino

A family-owned apparel manufacturer based in Auckland, Tussock Ridge has been supplying the New Zealand market for over 30 years specialising in New Zealand made cotton and merino t-shirts. They are a very unique operation, in that no single part of the production of their products is outsourced. Tussock Ridge produces all garments from start to finish.

Their staff are specialists in their fields and are skilled design & manufacturing practitioners with comprehensive knowledge and experience in manufacturing merino clothing. They understand the intricacies of making high-quality long-lasting merino clothes.

Tussock Ridge cares about the environment and creating a sustainable future. They carefully select merino fabrics from like-minded, reputable supply chain partners who include responsible farm management practices in their merino wool selection criteria.

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Tussock Ridge Merino creates warm and breathable 100% #nzmade merino clothing and apparel. Some of their products include:

  • Face masks
  • Mens Outdoor Wear
    • Shirts
    • Sweaters
  • Womens Outdoor Wear
    • Shirts
    • Sweaters
  • Kids
    • Shirts
  • Beanies
  • Neck warmers / gaiters