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Mushroom Mate
Mushroom Mate is an exciting way of starting your very own mushroom farm. This farm uses recyclable and sustainable materials, such as used coffee grounds and recycled buckets.
The Oyster mushrooms that we offer enjoys a terrific reputation for being one of the most forgiving, easiest to cultivate, richly nutritious and medically supportive mushroom.
Mushroom Mate strives to encourage Kiwi families, schools and local communities to choose to grow endemic/native mushrooms variety rather than imported species.
Available mushrooms include the grey-coloured Pleurotus Pulmonarius, commonly known as the Indian Oyster, Italian Oyster, Phoenix Mushroom, or the Lung Oyster. Exquisite and flavourful, it can be served raw or cooked lightly. Simply fry with butter garlic, add to a salad or any favourite stir-fry and soup dishes.
Also, Pleurotus Parsonsiae, the white oyster mushroom, is closely related to the pink flamingo oyster mushrooms. It has a meaty texture and makes it an excellent meat substitute.
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Fresh Produce, Mushrooms, Sauces & condiments
Ohiwa Black Diamonds
Ohiwa Black Diamonds have been involved with truffles for many years and have developed extensive industry knowledge and expertise around the development, consultation and support for the niche truffle market.
Their truffles are grown in their unique volcanic soils on oak and hazelnut trees and have been producing Black Perigord Truffles for over 18 years. They believe their unique microclimate, coupled with their ideal soil allows them to produce some of the best truffles in the world, with Ohiwa Black Diamonds truffiere producing more Black Perigord truffle per hectare than any other truffiere in New Zealand.
Annette comes from a scientific background with over 30 years experience in soil chemistry and microbiology – giving a unique opportunity to provide significant insight into truffle management.
Matiu works with Iwi and land owners to design, develop and manage top-performing truffieres.
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