My name is Aaron Ellis-Smith. I was born in New Zealand and live in Mangawhai, a coastal town on the east coast of the north island, 1 hour south of Whangarei.
I began carving in 2004 and have always loved timber. I carve most types of wood (and occasionally other mediums), but find swamp kauri the most enjoyable timber to sculpt. Something about it’s character, age (this can range from 2000 to 50,000 years old), feeling and uniqueness to New Zealand inspires me. I also enjoy New Zealand’s native forest, and perhaps part of the reason I love swamp kauri is, although it is a finite resource, it doesn’t require damage to, or the felling of our wonderful native forest.
Carving is something I enjoy doing, being a part of a pieces evolution into final form is something I never get tired of. I hope that those who see my work gain as much pleasure from the pieces, as I received creating them.
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