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Ohiwa Black Diamonds

Ohiwa Black Diamonds have been involved with truffles for many years and have developed extensive industry knowledge and expertise around the development, consultation and support for the niche truffle market.

Their truffles are grown in their unique volcanic soils on oak and hazelnut trees and have been producing Black Perigord Truffles for over 18 years. They believe their unique microclimate, coupled with their ideal soil allows them to produce some of the best truffles in the world, with Ohiwa Black Diamonds truffiere producing more Black Perigord truffle per hectare than any other truffiere in New Zealand.

Annette comes from a scientific background with over 30 years experience in soil chemistry and microbiology – giving a unique opportunity to provide significant insight into truffle management.

Matiu works with Iwi and land owners to design, develop and manage top-performing truffieres.

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Ohiwa Black Diamonds farm and produce #nzmade Black Perigord Truffle. They sell fresh truffles online and to New Zealand’s top chefs and restaurants, including exporting overseas. Some of their products available for sale to the public include:

  • Fresh Black Perigord Truffle (tuber melanosporum)
  • Pink Himalayan Truffle Salt
    • Pink Himalayan Truffle Salt allows you to experience the unique beauty of truffles in your own home, without having to visit 5-star restaurants.
  • Truffle Honey
    • With the smoothness of the manuka honey and the flavour and aroma of the truffle our truffle Honey complements and enhances the most refined and simple dishes.
  • Truffle Infused Virgin Olive Oil
    • Black truffle infused in locally sourced Virgin Olive oil. An amazing and unique intense truffle aroma, complements any dish.